How Much Do Veneers Cost With Insurance?
Veneers might cost a bit too much at times. Learn whether they are covered under insurance or not through this how much do veneers cost with insurance for multiple teeth piece.

The cost of veneers without insurance is $500 to $2500 per tooth. People wish to have ever-shining teeth as it gives them confidence in their everyday lives. In today’s times, everyone is talking about either of the following two things: mental health or dental health. Veneers provide everlasting shine to one’s teeth. In this article, we shall discuss how much veneers cost with insurance.
Does dental insurance cover veneers? Does insurance of any kind cover veneers? What do porcelain veneer cost with insurance? All these queries will be answered today. So, read along to know if you can push veneers under the bus of insurance or not.
How Much Do Veneers Cost With Insurance for Teeth?
Now, regarding veneers, one must choose at least four different types. But before we get into that, let me tell you the use and purpose of veneers. Veneers are a cosmetic dentistry procedure also popularly known as the “smile makeover” as it enhances how your teeth and smile appear to people.

However, maintaining the brightness of teeth can be very costly. It sure is an expensive procedure; hence everyone who wishes to go through with it aspires if they could get it covered by insurance.
- A veneer is a thin shell specifically made to match the color of your teeth and is applied to the front part of your tooth or teeth. Once the application is made, the shell changes its color, shape, and size to match your tooth color to look as close to natural as possible.
- This procedure is often carried along when there is a discoloration of teeth, if the tooth is crooked if there’s a gap between two teeth, or if your teeth are irregularly shaped.
It looks like this can be an option for braces. Any adult with permanent teeth can go through this process regarding eligibility. However, you should not have any cavities, gum disease, or any other such dental condition, as it will affect the effect of the process. If you have any problems, treating them before going in with the veneer procedure would be better.
As said above, there are four types of veneers, but the thing to note is that they would differ in how they are covered under any insurance, be it dental or non-dental. These veneers are composite, porcelain veneers, lumineers, and removable veneers. Of all the 4, porcelain veneers are the most preferable as they give the most natural look.
Composite Veneers
How much do veneers cost with insurance, especially composite veneers? Well, composite surfaces and dental insurance covering a certain amount of the cost will pay you roughly $550 to $812 per tooth. Of course, this depends on how many choppers you will upgrade in a single-year plan. It means the more teeth you get fixed in a year, the more it will cost you.
The cost of luminaire veneers covered by dental insurance is approximately, on average, $1400 per tooth. This is the highest amount that is protected by any veneer cost insurance. This is so high because most patients pay for their procedures independently, leaving considerable insurance unclaimed for those who might need it.
The cost of lumineers ranges from $800 to $2000 per tooth. Typically, patients fund their procedures by themselves without seeking any claim support. However, you can consult your dentist if you are confused about the payment plans and options.
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Removable Veneers
There is not much of a buzz around this one. They are also known as snap-on veneers. Two kinds of removable surfaces are currently available on the market. You can opt for instant veneers or custom-made clip-on veneers to get the best deal on the average cost of veneers with insurance. Now instant ones will be quick and might or might not fit your teeth properly, while the custom-made ones will at least come with a guarantee that they are made in a way that they fit your teeth perfectly.
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are known to provide the most natural-looking and durable veneers available. They are also very much biocompatible; that is, they are pretty gum friendly and would not cause any damage to the gum tissues and the soft tissues surrounding these gum tissues in the patient’s mouth. These porcelain veneers are so popular because they visibly enhance the aesthetics of a patient’s mouth.
What Does Porcelain Veneers Cost With Insurance?
As mentioned above, Porcelain Veneers are the most popular kind of veneers used by the population; they lie between lumineers and composite veneers regarding the price range. Porcelain veneers cost with insurance per tooth ranges between $800 to $1,1312. They come at this price as the retail prices are higher, which transfers even more expenses above the mentioned annual maximum benefit to the patients.

You can get your coverage upgraded so that the treatment is made to be more affordable. You can either get dental insurance that comes with no maximum annual. If you have applied for this, you can get full-mouth restoration support.
Another way is to opt for dental insurance with no waiting period. This way, you can benefit in the area of time. For example, if you urgently need veneers and are a holder of dental insurance with no waiting periods, you won’t have to wait for your treatment; instead, it can be carried out immediately, and you may get the best deal on veneer cost with insurance.
Usually, porcelain veneers cost between $925 to $2,500 per tooth without insurance, and it is safe to assume an average figure of $1,500 before calculating the possible claim payments. If you can afford to pay this amount independently, all by yourself, then we suggest doing so. Still, if you cannot pay it entirely on your own, then porcelain veneer cost with insurance is the best option for you.
Does Dental Insurance cover Veneers?
Dental insurances are like a magic charm for citizens who frequently have to check their dental health. But unfortunately, these are not always dental check-ins affordable. After some time, they often start getting less affordable with every visit, and not everyone is well enough to afford to pay for these visits and procedures.

Being unable to afford these procedures often boils down to being a low-income, salaried citizen. Still, there can be many other reasons, like having more than one patient with dental health issues in the house. The fund provider NGO being singular, or the procedure that one is suggested is way too over budget than they might have imagined.
In such cases, dental insurances always come to the rescue. However, this dental insurance also does not cover everything related to the mouth. Often, a specific procedure or product might not be covered, but we are lucky for veneers. As this procedure falls under the cosmetic dentistry category, most insurance companies would not offer the required dental insurance claim.
However, there is a little loophole here. Suppose the patient has been in an accident that has affected their dental conditions and is undergoing a rectification procedure. Still, they also want the final result to be aesthetically pleasing. In that case, the insurance companies might consider the application for veneers covered by dental insurance.
In this case, the application for veneers covered by dental insurance would be approved as this would neither be considered a vital nor a cosmetic procedure. Instead, it would fall under the category of both procedures. Cosmetic dentistry procedures like dental veneers are rare and only to be seen when necessary.
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Most of the time, your dentist would suggest you go for aesthetically pleasing procedures at the end to benefit you in gaining the claim. That is to say, any restorative procedure that costs a lot or a necessary cosmetic surgery must be done through such a procedure that it would benefit you to get the claim.
It would be best to have a skilled surgeon or dentist for that to happen. If you wish to apply for cosmetic dentistry procedures to be covered by dental insurance, then these must be the procedures:
- Attractive crowns or dental veneers are quite the stated fact. Therefore, dentists are eligible for dental insurance coverage if dentists install these aesthetic crowns or veneers to treat diseased, injured, broken, or missing teeth.
- Apart from veneers covered by dental insurance, gum contouring is also considered for dental insurance claims. Gum contouring is performed as a part of medically necessary periodontal surgery in conditions caused due to infection or injury.
- Along with dental veneers and gum contouring, orthodontia is also expected to be considered for dental insurance claims. This is a process conducted to correct the shifted teeth which were caused to move due to some accident or injury.
Hence, the bottom line is if you have these conditions, your cosmetic dentistry procedure would be considered vital. Then the insurance companies would think of approving the claim. This way you could benefit doubly. You will also help from the suit and look beautiful and feel confident.
Are Veneers Covered By Insurance?
Till now, we have seen how much veneers cost with insurance and how facades are covered by dental insurance. Now, moving forward to a bit general view, let me tell you about veneers covered by insurance. Though not literally any kind, insurance that covers medical bills or looks after a person’s better health can be considered when one wants veneers covered.

When it comes to coverage of something aesthetic as veneers by insurance, different people might have different perspectives and opinions. However, it depends on the procedure and the insurance plan you have applied for. Most importantly, as said earlier, people can only get veneers covered by insurance if it is medically necessary.
In any other case, if you have existing insurance covering veneers, the applicant’s plan might already have the clause to cover cosmetic dentistry procedures. Therefore, one has to look closely when it comes to applying for insurance plans that cover the cost of veneers with insurance.
- Medically Necessary:
When I say medically necessary, it does not mean medically necessary from the patient’s point of view. If a dentist recommends getting veneers only, it might be considered medically necessary and eligible for an insurance coverage claim. Not every dental plan would entitle you to deem procedures medically necessary; who should decide? Only a few systems are medically necessary, which might not necessarily be cosmetic dentistry.
Regarding dental health and insurance coverage claims, it is better to know the general definition of medically necessary dental and cosmetic dentistry procedures. For example, decay or disease is necessary while teeth are not injured or decayed but still under treatment can be termed cosmetic surgery.
Similarly, suppose there is an overbite, crossbite, or alternate mechanism. In that case, its treatment is medically necessary, but treatment only for enhancing aesthetics while having no problems beforehand can be termed a cosmetic procedure. On the other hand, if the teeth are chipped, broken, or stained, it is medically necessary to be treated.
If a procedure is conducted to fill in the gaps or brighten yellow or coffee teeth, it would be cosmetic surgery. How much veneer cost with insurance will again depend on the state’s location and the patient’s health conditions.
There are many other procedures with only a thin line between medically necessary and cosmetic procedures. You may consult your dentist and understand the difference so that if veneers are needed after any, the process to get those veneers won’t be chaotic.
- Health Insurance:
Health insurances are crucial when it comes to veneers. Again it is the same story; if your veneers are medically necessary, you will only get paid for the cost of veneers with insurance. However, health insurances have a stricter area of eligibility for these kinds of procedures. Health insurance would only consider surgery, or any system, medically necessary when it has been caused due to non-biting accidents or certain diseases. Treatments considered medically necessary are integral to the included services.
We Must say that health insurances are much harder to cover your veneers than any other insurance plan. But, unfortunately, health insurance is limited only to issues inside our mouth – even though gums and teeth are a part of the mouth, you would still need to connect its injury to some other part of the body to ensure veneers are covered by insurance won’t create a problem.
For instance, if you have a chipped tooth caused by a non-biting accident, you would have to connect it to injuries to another part of your body, such as a broken jaw or something. It is also to note that health insurance will not cover any issues related to tooth decay or falling under the cosmetic dentistry procedure umbrella.
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You would have to look very closely and ask related questions to the insurance provider to clarify what might fall under medically necessary and what would fall under cosmetic surgery and get the best cost of veneers with insurance providers.
- Medicaid:
Medicaid is the most well-known health insurance-providing program administered by the federal government. Through Medicaid, veneers with insurance can be a possibility. However, whether Medicaid covers veneers would depend on specific rules based on your state. Every state has different regulations regarding whether or not insurance cover veneers. However, two medically necessary rules are standard in every state when you wish to get veneers covered by insurance through Medicaid.
- Medicaid will cover only restorative oral care, and that too, only for adults. This is the case in only thirty-three states. That is to say that adults would be provided health insurance coverage claims for restorative oral care in only these 33 states.
- Medicaid offers health insurance across the entire United States of America. It will provide nationwide veneers if the injury is connected to any other body part.
Recently, Medicaid was offered to veneers for patients with Celiac Disease across the entire United States of America but only in 33 states after one biting incident. Hence, one can get dental or health insurance for veneers. Still, the catch is that you might have difficulty doing so and might also have to connect the injury to another part of the body in some cases.
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In this article, we’ve briefly discussed how much veneers cost with insurance, along with the porcelain veneers and other costs of veneers with insurance. It might be a little out of budget for you, but spending more for better quality would be a fair deal for your dental health.